I've got a place to live!
So I got the place. I leave for Slave Lake tomorrow. I'm still house sitting for my parents so I'm stuck in Leduc until tomorrow. This weekend I get to go home and pack some clothes for the week. I got the power hooked up today. All I need to do now is get my postal code and order a phone. Anyway I must flee. I might take a drive to the airport to drop off Mom and Dad's car. Then bike back but first let Maggie in and grab some chinese for lunch! Later Peeps!
At 8:17 PM,
Unknown said…
congrats on the job, man! You've really been around, but I guess that's the teaching life these days, my sister has 11 years experience from McMurray, can't get work here ata ll excpet for subbing. She can't even offer to take a pay cut to get a fulltime gig.
At 8:36 PM,
Michael Joyal said…
Doode, congrats on the job. Did your skin tingle when you walked through the doors to the school; did it steam?
bwah hah hah hah hah hah haha haah ahaah
At 2:36 PM,
who's this and the what now? said…
Thanks guys, it's weird working with normal kids. I had gr.9 today and they listened and behaved. I'm just not used to that. I spent the rest of the day booking facilities. That sucks about your sister. I know I can't take a pay cut either if I wanted to. It's sucks but that's the teaching profession for ya. I applied to a lot of jobs this summer and only got 4 interviews. It's not easy to get a job, I got one cause I was willing to move north. Later guys!
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