Doc of the month club!

Monday, July 26, 2004

Further update

Well the weekend was screwed up if you ask me.  I did my last Time Trial of the year.  But before I start the damn race a stupid comissaire(race official) starts walking across the road so I go left to go around him but then he stops and then goes right so I start going left then he stops and I just held my line thinking he'd move but no.  Mister comissaire is stupid and doesn't budge and I'm too close now to go left or right or to stop so I yell "I'm hitting you!" and Bam!  I hit the guy & breaks his helmet (he had it on his back)in the process and I hit the pavement(my bike hit too).  I am now about 5 min from the start of my race and my thumb is bleeding, my arm and leg are sore but there was no apparent wound.  I'm shaking cause I've never hit anyone on a bike before and my bike is a wee bit screwed up.  Colleen tries to fix my chain but she couldn't and now she's covered in grease.  Jeff fixes my bike unaware that I've destroyed his helmet.  Maybe I appologized but I'm not entirely sure. Anyway the race happens and I finish with a time of around 1 hour and 12 min for a 40 Km time trial.  Not bad I guess.  Colleen finished in third for the women.  Way to go Colleen!  Next day Colleen does a Crit.  Once again a top 3 finish she actually won the race!  1st place overall!  Great Job Colleen!!!! I'm proud of you! 


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