Off to Penticton tomorrow.
Well, tomorrow I'm off to panorama. Colleen and I are going to do a little siteseeing on bikes and then it's a 7 hr drive to Penticton! It's the we don't have any money but we're going anyway trip to Penticton! It's a well needed break for Colleen as she's done nothing but race, support me in my racing and training all summer. It's time to leave home, pick some peaches and cherries or whatever else is growing this time of year down there and relax. Also to ride bikes up some monster climbs to help her with her final races. If you need to get a hold of me I'll be checking my e-mail daily as well as my messages on the phone. Talk to ya later! DOC:-)>
At 9:13 PM,
Unknown said…
Have fun, man! I used to go to Penticton all the time when I was a kid..hoping to do it again someday soon, and get depressed at how much it's changed for the worse. That's what happened when I went to Radium a couple of years ago..oh well..
At 10:28 AM,
Michael Joyal said…
Hey doode, have a good trip. I sent a letter your way with something that will help pay for the trip...
At 10:17 PM,
Unknown said…
did you send another nude puppet mike, wiht suck-o-action? That damn near paid for our whole family in Cuba!
At 12:45 PM,
who's this and the what now? said…
Nope, I'm not priveliged enough for a nude puppet Mike. Damn all I got was a card and a money order. I really wanted a puppet instead! Oh well thanks anyways Mike!
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