For those that care...
Well I just returned from Easter Holidays in BC. This year we went to Peachland and drove to Penticton, Summerland and Kelowna. We had really good weather compared to last year. It rained on the day we left otherwise we had pretty decent weather. Windy and cool one day but we still managed to squeeze in a hour and a bit bike ride. We rode everyday except one. The hills scare the crap out of me. Hard to get up and scary to go down. We took the pups with us. Joey is doing well to fit in with the rest of us. Since Easter he has only gone once in the house and that was yesterday. It could have been prevented. Congratulations to Rob and Allie with the new baby girl. Can't imagine Bob as a Father but I've been wrong before. At least she'll always have toys to play with! School has started again and we have about 2 months left and then we're done. On Sunday I did the St. Albert 10 miler road race(running race). I did the run in 1 hour 27 min and 19 seconds. I think I did pretty good plus it's good training for future races. Anyway, talk wit cha l8r my peeps!
Doc out!
Doc out!