Doc of the month club!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Plus skiing pour moi!

Got to take the school skiing once again. Almost didn't go. The roads were snow covered and it was still coming down. There were 3 accidents before we got onto the road. People in the office had to turn back cause the roads were bad, I guess they were going to swan hills(I don't know why). Anyway we left and when we passed High Prairie there was no snow at all. Turns out they got rain that night and melted most of the snow. The ski hill was super icey which made my beginer skiiers a little nervous. It hurts to fall onto hard icy snow. When one of my students fell she would leave a big red streak behind her from her pants. Another school from here was also there with three times the kids that we brought and about the same amount of supervisors. One of their kids came down a icey black diamond fell down flew up into the air and wrapped himself around a tree. I've never seen that before and I thought I was dreaming. I got to see this interesting event because one of my kids fell off the t-bar and was debating whether or not to climb the hill to the top. She eventally (after this incident) decided it was best to walk. I went with her and she complained the whole way up. My kids all seemed to have fun. Some were frustated because they couldn't do it very well but for the most part they did have fun. We had awesome weather again. Well that's it for skiing this year. I hope to go one more time with Colleen but I just don't see it happening. That's it for now my peeps! Doc out!


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