Doc of the month club!

Thursday, July 28, 2005

stupid carpet guys

So yeah the carpet guys have come and gone and one of the bastards ate all of my werthers! He never asked to have one he just ate the whole fricken bag. I never even had one and it was a family sized bag. Bastard! Anyway, they did a really shitty job. I do not recommend Jordan's Carpet in Edmonton to get your carpet installed. One of the guys burnt the carpet and I ended up getting burnt when I picked up the cover of the light. They fixed one burn but left the other. Brand new carpet with a patch. My mom is going to go nuts on them when she gets back from Florida. I took pics. They left the house trashed. They took my last can of coke and then used the box as a garbage and left it behind. The stairs looks like a kid did them, you can see the wood from the stairs on some of them. The lamininate is chipped and some isn't even. Hell I could've done the laminate if you wanted it crooked. The stairs was supposed to have had all the carpet removed but he started and didn't finish. They didn't silicone the piece at the top of the stairs either. Anyway that's enough ranting about them. Tomorrow I have to wait for movers, go ring and suit shopping. Pick up the poochy and fix the hot tub. I think that's everything. Anyway I'm outy. TTYL, Doc out my brothahs and sistahs!


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